Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze


UK – ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme


UK – East and Central European Studies


FU Berlin, Graduiertenkolleg Schriftbildlichkeit


Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin


Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů


Městská knihovna Litvínov




Claudio Lomnitz, profesor, Columbia University New York
“I have been a teacher all of my life, and have engaged in public speaking for 30 years now.  I was quite amazed not only by the quality of Dr. Landgrafova’s teaching, but also by the fact that I had so much to learn in this area. Renata Landgrafova combines erudition, clarity, and a true gift for teaching an art that has been woefully under-taught and under-studied in contemporary society.”

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